Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous?
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Wolf Spiders: What You Need To Know
Wolf spiders are large and hairy, which is enough to send most people running for the hills. But, the good news is, they’re mostly just nuisance pests. However, they can inject venom when they are continually provoked. Symptoms of wolf spider bites include swelling, mild pain, and itching.
What Are Wolf Spiders?
Wolf spiders are strong and agile hunters that have excellent vision. They mostly live in solitude and hunt alone, typically at night. Wolf spiders don’t spin webs.
If wolf spiders find the right habitat, they are expected to live around an average of 11 years.
Where Do Wolf Spiders Live?
Wolf spiders may enter structures when they are searching for prey. However, they aren’t really inclined to be permanent residents in structures; they often stay once they get inside. When indoors, wolf spiders typically remain at or near floor level, especially along walls and underneath furniture.
How To Recognize Wolf Spiders
- Wolf spiders vary in size and can measure from ยฝ to 2 inches in length.
- Their body hair can is typically orangeish brown. But, some wolf spiders are black/gray with stripes to give them a camouflage look.
- Mother wolf spiders are usually seen with their babies.
- Wolf spiders use their camouflage as their means of self-defense. Their color typically changes according to their habitat.
They Have Amazing Eyesight
The amazing eyesight that wolf spiders have allows them to be excellent and perceptive hunters.
Wolf spiders have eight eyes arranged in three rows. The bottom row is made up of four small eyes, while the middle row has two very large eyes, and the top row has two medium-sized eyes. Unlike most other arachnids that are typically blind or have poor vision, wolf spiders have excellent eyesight thanks to their large eyes. What’s more, the wolf spider’s two large eyes on the middle row glow in the dark.
They also have an acute sense of touch thanks to the sensory hairs on their legs and bodies.
Wolf spiders carry their eggs in a unique way. The egg sac, which is a round, silken globe, is attached to spinnerets at the end of the abdomen, which allows the spider to carry her unborn young with her. The abdomen must be held in a raised position to keep the egg case from dragging on the ground. But, even with this handicap, pregnant wolf spiders can still hunt. Another unique aspect of wolf spiders is how they care for their young. Immediately after the spiderlings are born, they clamber up their mother’s legs and crowd onto her abdomen’s dorsal side. The mother then carries her spiderlings for several weeks before they get large enough to disperse and fend for themselves.
The wolf spider is the only spider that is known to carry its young on its back for any period of time.
Steps To Control Wolf Spiders
To control wolf spiders in your house, be sure to seal all cracks on the outside of your house and use screens on doors and windows.
For help eliminating wolf spiders or any other pests from your home, count on the experts at Foundation Pest Control. We have been serving the Memphis area for more than 20 years. Our company is family-owned and operated, and we are so confident in our services that we offer you a 100% guarantee. Contact us today, and let’s develop a plan to keep your home pest-free so you and your family can live comfortably and at peace. We look forward to hearing from you!